Beyette Wiki
03 - Noitatide

"The Baby with One Eye" is an instrumental track featured on song #5 of "Noitatide ". Other than "Welcome to the Noitatide ", the intro track, this song is the first original song on Noitatide's tracklist that is not a remix from "Editation ". "This song evokes emotion for me, and that might be apparent in the title. The title is not to reference a one eyed baby so precisely, it is more as a metaphor for a young-spirited person who has a lacking ability of "seeing certain things" compared to others. I didn't know so much what this song was about before, but I do think I know what it's about now."

Dustin, like many others of their generation wasn't aware of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome, something that codependents share with narcissists. It's like imposter syndrome, it's like hate, it's like so many things but one thing it never is is fast enough for the victim to figure out. Dustin thought the song was about being a bad person, it was about having A.D.D. or Autism Spectrum (not sure the purpose of adding "disorder" in Leftist circles, it's a difference not a disability). This song sounds so sad because everyone doesn't believe what you are going through and you either eventually start hurting yourself or others in an attempt to heal the imposter feeling. You don't feel a part of your own planet, your own family, your own friend's lives and it is sad so it should sound sad.

"The Baby with One Eye" is available for download and streaming on Dustin Beyette's official soundcloud page .
